As most of the people in this country with email accounts know, Microwarehouse, the distributor of all things Apple, had a year-end sale today. Their office is a 3 minute drive from my place, and I know a few people in there so I thought it wouldn't be that difficult to get some of the items that I wanted. Right?
Dead. Fucking. Wrong.
All I wanted was an iPod Video 60GB mainly for archiving photos while on the road. It was selling on sale for P10,500 (roughly $200) as a class-B item, meaning opened box and used as a demo unit. I got money from the trusty ATM the night before just in case the stupid machines were dead in the morning. I was ready, I had the part numbers, prices, even the accessories that I wanted. Is it too much to ask for?
The sale should have started at 12:00 noon. I was there at 11:27am. 254 people were there ahead of me... Damn.
The system was everyone got assigned a number, then they were given a time slot. My number was 255 and time slot was at 5:40pm that same day. Well fuck... I'd rather sleep and buy the stupid thing at full price next week... Is P8,000 worth all this hassle? My answer, maybe. If I didn't have other things to do then I'd have waited. If I didn't have reservations on buying it then yeah, I'd have waited. If there was someone with good conversation skills in line with me then yes, I would've possibly stayed as well. But alas, Mars didn't align with Venus and Uranus on this fateful day. So I got fucked over...
Figuratively of course.
So for now, I'm still stuck with my trusty iPod Shuffle 512mb for a primary music player and my iPaq RX3750 for video as well as having to buy a few CF cards for my shoot tomorrow...
Hey, everything I have works... But i can't help but wonder how much more I'd enjoy the iPod video...
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